TheGeeksCafe is an affiliated company of Technikall Productions Corporation. was founded as a technology oriented family business and some of its objectives are to provide a casual and professional virtual place for information technology gathering, and to allow the exchange of knowledge and resources through our blogs and forum. also provides Technology Reviews, Computer Tips, Latest Trends, Links to other valuable sites, Online Shopping.
About your Host Geek and founders
First, allow me to welcome you to our Virtual Cafe and briefly to introduce myself. I’m Bob Coleman. I started out as an F-14 avionics instructor in the 70’s. In the 80’s I moved into R&D helping to develop the 1.2 megabyte floppy drive. I also worked with IBM’s, DEC and then PCs. However, I worked better for myself than as an employee and in the early 1983, I went on my own, where I have been for the last 30 years. Back in 1983 I worked with Novell Netware (it ran on CPM). I set up networks for many years. In the 1990’s I also added Certifications to my resume and I did what I know best, teach.
Some of my certifications:
Master Certified Novell Instructor, Master Certified Novell Engineer, Certified Novell Administrator, Microsoft Certified Trainer, MCSE, MCSA, Certified Technical Trainer (CTT), Network +, A+.
Though, I can’t spend many hours working or teaching anymore, (I’m a cancer survivor and disabled Navy veteran). I hope The Geeks Cafe can fill that gap in my life allowing me to share some of my expertise with others.
My son Robert is a Moderator and contributor to writing articles. His generation grew up around computer technology and as with many of his peers, he already has years in computer experience. Robert is currently in college studying on two majors (Computer Graphics and Information Technology).
My wife Belixa is the administrator, marketing coordinator, and a major contributor to the development of this site.
We also value the positive contributions of you as a member of TheGeeksCafe family and welcome your suggestions. Thank you for visiting and I’m looking forward to read your Posts and Comments in TheGeeksCafe.
Welcome Member